Re-cleanable Filter Systems > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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HEPA Filter Systems | Re-cleanable Filter Systems


Re-cleanable HEPA filter systems will be used for demanding requirements on the filter separation performance (HEPA), high particle concentrations and abrasive dusts.


Your benefits:


Optional possibility of recycling the purified dusts

Low disposal costs

No filter element exchange necessary


Examples of industrial uses:


Teardown of nuclear systems

Pharmaceutical production processes

Battery manufacture


More features:


Top-down principle

Lower depths of filter elements for critical dust

Very high cleaning pressure (up to 4 bar overpressure in nozzle bar)

Patented, reinforced RHF ® standard size elements

Pressure loss reduction through cleaning process, i. e. Lower and more constant initial pressure drop after cleaning

Higher working pressure drop in filter possible

Formation of a filter “cake” on the surface of the filter medium

Good separation of agglomerated dust in the hopper

Suitable for different kinds of dust, especially for critical particles (rough, sticky, etc.)


서울시 강서구 양천로 738, 705호(염창동, 한강G트리타워) 주식회사 지원에어텍 대표이사 김 충 회
사업자등록번호:617-87-00702 대표번호:02-2655-2199 팩스번호:02-2655-2198 회사메일
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