Adsorption Filter Type CFHclassic and CFHhightech > 특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

특수 필터&댐퍼 시스템

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Adsorption Filter Systems | Adsorption Filter Type CFHclassic and CFHhightech


For adsorption of high risk pollutants, which need a long dwell time, Krantz sorption filter systems type CFH classic or CFH hightec will be used.




While with the filter system CFH classic 100% of the loaded carbon will be changed at one time, the load capacity of the carbon will be used more efficient with the filter system CFH hightec. There, only the first half of the filter bed will be disposed, while the relatively unloaded second half of the filter bed will be changed to the first half. Only the second half of the filter bed will be filled with new carbon.


Any adsorption filter system type CFH will be designed according the special requirements of the single project.




Easy handling of the safe change technology

Only filter housing and carbon, no changing element required

Compact and versatile design

Simple, efficient and clean refill procedure

High protection of environment and operational staff



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